MattiCaspi's importance in contemporary Israeli music is remarkable in every way. He is a musician, a composer, a singer, a multi-instrumentalist, an arranger, a producer. He is also known as a comedian. As far as I know he has written lyrics to only a couple of songs. He "touched" me in 1979 when I was in Israel and heard his music for the first time. Ever since he has been one of the greatest, not only among the Israelis, but all over the world. I don't know his background and facts about him , but I tell you how I feel about his music. He has his own unique style, which is recognizable and can't be compared to anyone else's music. It is impossible to put him into categories. His music is a mixture of all kinds of music, but the final output sounds always like -- Matti Caspi. He has something for everyone who enjoys good music. Rhythmically he has sometimes a little taste of South-American music, like bossa nova, even reggae. I love to follow his train of thoughts in his melodies. You really want to see where he's leading you. Some of his ballads are real masterpieces, the melodies are extremely beautiful, beyond compare in any field of music anytime anywhere. The way he uses the chords and builds up an arrangement , he creates a special atmosphere, peculiar to his way, with a rich harmony. As a singer he has a wide range of voice and a sound that comes so close to you it's inside of you. It caresses your soul. His voice has been the best medicine and comfort when I have felt "homesick" for Israel. His music speaks for itself. You don't have to understand Hebrew to enjoy. Anyway, through his songs I've learned a great deal of Hebrew -- I've just had to find out what he was singing about!
FACT FILE Born 30.11 1949 at Kibbutz Hanita Studied piano at the Nahariya Conservatory In 1976 represented Israel in the the Eurovision Song Contest as a conductor and a composer of the song 'EMOR SHALOM' (lyrics by Ehud Manor). It was performed by the girlgroup 'CHOCOLAD MENTA MASTIK'. It took the 6th place. THE ALBUMS that I have (if there are more, let me know, so I can add them to a shopping list of a friend who goes to Israel next) Solo: MATTI CASPI 1974 CBS MATTI CASPI 1976 CBS SIDE A SIDE B 1978 CBS TWILIGHT 1981 CBS MATTI CASPI 1984 CBS SIDE 3 SIDE 4 1987 HED-ARZI ONE TO ONE 1988 HED ARZI SONGS IN TOMATOSAUCE 1989 HED-ARZI MATTI 1993 HED-ARZI LIVE IN ARAD 1997 NMC
Together with others: Sasha Argov MATTI CASPI SINGS SASHA ARGOV 1982 CBS MATTITYAHU & ALEXANDER 1984 CBS With the Parvarim: A DISTANT LOVESONG 1983 CBS -Songs from South America - Musically very high quality - Ehud Manor made the Hebrew language suite for South American tunes Duet with Shlomo Gronich: BEYOND THE SOUNDS 1984 CBS A TROPICAL EVENING With musicians from Brazil For Children: BUBA MATTI 1992 Also available on video The video has, in my opinion a warm and a humorous touch. It has it all: parts that are exciting, funny, educational, emotional, imaginative, realistic, even a little rebellious if you look at it from the parents' point of view. It's on the children's side! My son has watched it since he was 3 years old. He enjoys it every time and he doesn't understand even one word in Hebrew! It's great to have music with high quality musically, for children. This video is not underestimating children. The songbooks: BRITH OLAM, Includes the songs from the first three albums. YALDUTI HA'SHNIA, Includes the songs from the next three albums Songbooks were published by Joseph Srebek Ltd. Publishing House Tel Aviv Matti Caspi has also written music and worked as a producer and 'musical advisor' for many Israeli artists. The touch of his hand has also influenced such artists as: RIKI GAL 1987 CBS MC wrote the music, played the drums in all the songs and many other instruments in many other songs. This album was a real breakthrough for Riki Gal.
My discography is not complete. This is what I have. Help me make it complete.
Send me E-Mail about him. What does he mean to you? Which songs you like the most? What is your favorite album? Do you know him? Have you seen him on stage? Where? What do you know about him? Tell me about it.
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